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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Nithya istumisen (upa-ni-shad) tärkeydestä!  (Luettu 2305 kertaa)
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« : 15.05.2017 10:02:34 »

Messiaaninen(?) avataara Paramahamsa Nithyananda (nitya-aananda: ikuinen autuus)
istumisen tärkeydestä:

   upaniSad   2 %{t} f. (according to some) the sitting down at the feet of another to listen to his words (and hence , secret knowledge given in this manner ; but according to native authorities %{upaniSad} means `" setting at rest ignorance by revealing the knowledge of the supreme spirit "') ; the mystery which underlies or rests underneath the external system of things (cf. IW. p. 35 seqq.) ; esoteric doctrine , secret doctrine , mysterious or mystical meaning , words of mystery &c. S3Br. ChUp. &c. ; a class of philosophical writings (more than a hundred in number , attached to the Bra1hman2as [but see I1s3opanishad] ; their aim is the exposition of the secret meaning of the Veda , and they are regarded as the source of the Veda1nta and Sa1m2khya philosophies ; for the most important of the Upanishads see IW. p. 37 seq.)


2   sad, sIdati   1 ({-te}), pp. {satta3} & {sanna3} (q.v.) sit, seat one's [[,]] self (esp. for a sacrifice) on, at, or in (acc. or loc.); lie down, around or in wait for (acc.); sink beneath a burden, feel ill, become feeble, tired or languid, be overcome, fall into trouble, distress, or despair; decay, vanish. C. {sA3dayati} cause to sit down; set or place in, at, or on (loc.); afflict, distress, bring down, ruin, destroy. -- {ati} die. {anu} sit down after another. {ava} stand opposite, threaten, menace (acc.). {ava} descend upon (acc.); sink down, fall away, grow lean or feeble, get into trouble or distress, despair, perish. C. sink (trans.), depress, bring down, afflict, pain, overcome, destroy. {A} sit upon or near (acc. or loc.) preside over (acc.); waylay, watch; get to, arrive at, approach (as friend cr foe), meet with, find, hit, gain, obtain. C. cause to sit down upon, set or place in (loc. or acc.), appoint to (infin.); cause, produce; approach, come near (acc.), encounter, meet with; overtake, attack, assail; get or fall into (acc.); gain, obtain; visit, befall; use, apply. {adhyA} sit down upon (acc.). {abhyA} the same; reach, attain. {upA} sit down upon (acc.). C. approach, obtain, receive. {nyA} sit down near, in, or upon (loc. or acc.). {pratyA} be near or imminent. {samA} get to, reach, attain; come near, approach (loc. or acc.); meet, encounter; attack, assail. C. = S. {ud} withdraw from (acc.), escape (gen.); disappear, perish. C. put aside, remove, extinguish, destroy; smear, anoint. {upod} & {pratyud} betake one's self to (acc.). {samud} C. destroy, ruin. {upa} sit upon (acc.) or near; approach (as foe, pupil, or supplicant). C. put down or beside; get, obtain. {abhyupa} C. get to, attain. {pratyupa} sit down near (acc.). {samupa} betake one's self to, reach, attain (acc.). {ni} ({SIdati}) sit or lie down, take one's seat (r.), be seated upon (loc.), perform by sitting i.e. celebrate (a Sattra); sink, perish. C. cause to sit or kneel down; constitute, appoint (2 acc.). {adhini} settle down in (loc.). {abhini} settle down about or near (acc.). {upani} approach, set about (acc.). {parini} sit or stay around. {vini} sit down separately. {saMni} sit down (together). {pari} ({SIdati}) sit down about, surround, invest, besiege. {pra} decay, decline, fall into the power of (acc.); become clear (lit. & fig.), cheer up; be soothed or appeased; pardon, forgive, be gracious or favourable, deign to (infin.), succeed or speed well. C. clear, brighten up, gladden, soothe, appease, make favourable, beg pardon, ask for or to (infin., dat., or loc., {arthe} or {artham}). {abhipra} settle down. C. propitiate, gladden, ask. {saMpra} cheer up, be gracious or favourable. C. propitiate, make favourable. {vi} ({SIdati} be perplexed or dejected, despair, despond. C. vex, grieve, bring into despair. {sam} sit together with (instr.) upon (acc.); M. settle down, shrink, perish, be dejected or distressed. C. set down (together); meet, join (acc.); depress, make sad. -- Cf. {avasanna, A3sanna, AsAdya, u3tsanna, upasanna, niSaNa3, ni3Satta, pratyAsanna} (add.), {prasatta3, prasanna, viSaNa, saMsanna3, samAsanna, samAsAdya}.

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