Kuinka fossiilisilla polttoaineilla gigaomaisuuksia tekevät pitävät huolen siitä,
zero-point energy (samahko energia, joka synnyttää materiaalisen
universumin "tyhjyydestä" tahi "ei-mistään"??) pysyy piilossa:
https://youtu.be/eNU3MLqyzPk?t=16m45s (Lisäys) Mikäli oikein ymmärsin, kahden atomipommin kehittäjän, Richard Feynman'in ja John Wheeler'in mukaan hehkulampullinen zero-point energy'ä riittäisi kuivattamaan kaikki planeettamme valtameret, siis kiehuttamaan ne kuiviksi?
(Edit) No tuskin sentään; luultavasti "vain" saattamaan ne kiehumapisteeseen??
https://www.theguardian.com/education/2003/jul/17/research.highereducationEarly quantum physicists theorised that all space, even the vacuum of outer space, contains a constantly bubbling field of electromagnetic energy, quantum fluctuations thought to be created by "virtual" photons constantly winking in and out of existence. This is zero point energy (ZPE), so called because it would still exist at absolute zero - minus 273C - when the atomic motions that generate thermal energy are at their slowest.
Physicists John Wheeler and Richard Feynman calculated that there is enough such energy in the vacuum inside a single light bulb to boil all the world's oceans. The challenge, currently being investigated by several teams, is how to tap it.