« Vastaus #59 : 23.08.2007 21:02:10 » |
Mie kävin äsken luonnossa kävelemässä ja se helpotti kummasti tuota infoähkyä.. Pitäs saada jotain konkreettista tekemistä kyllä tämän nettisurrailun pyörteistä niin maistuis taas matsku paremmin ja menis alaskin kevyemmin.. Mutta tässähän tämä palapeli kokoontuu..
Mietin ja yhdistelin johdonpätkiä kävellessäni tästä ufoohjaavuusteemasta ja mielessäni soi biisin sanat:
There must be an angel whos playing with my heart..
Oon kelannu sitä mahdollisuutta, että olisimme ikäänkuin pelihahmoja! Ajatelkaapa sitä kun pelaamme erilaisia pelejä kuten rooli- seikkailu- fantasia- sivilisaatiorakennus- markkina- urheilu- tasohyppely yms. palikansiirtelypelejä niin mistä siinä on kyse..
Ironically, the Matrix is what people call the "real world": You go to school, get a job, get married, and then have kids, and that is supposed to be your purpose here on Earth. But, that is in fact not the real world. It is simply a programmed world for mankind to be kept in check by the Reptilians. The true "real world" is you autonomously exploring existence and seeking the truth. However, religions teach you to live in the Matrix (i.e., the fake world), and this is because the Reptilians are the very ones who created all of Earth's religions.
Animals are to human beings, as human beings are to aliens. In other words, the way that we look down at animals is the exact same way that aliens look down at us. We think that animals live a mundane existence of simply eating and mating. But, aliens look at us the same way: Human beings live a mundane existence of simply working and following the instructions of the elite.
Human beings are not at the top of the food chain, aliens are. And, the way that humans slaughter animals (without even thinking twice about it) is the same way that aliens slaughter humans. So, just as we have the so-called "divine right" to kill animals for food, aliens have the same "divine right" to kill us for food. And, in general, we are no more special than animals are, because most animals, such as mammals, have divine spirits just like we do. Only animals such as insects have a collective group-soul rather than real individual souls.
Human beings need to stop playing the "victim" role, because we are predators as well, simply part of Darkness's compulsory food chain.
Meillä on avaruusrotujen perimä sisällämme..
It's hard for people to wrap their thick heads around the simple fact that the group of beings who built the ancient Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, and other so-called "ancient mysteries" is the very same group of beings who control Earth right now. Moreover, the group of beings who created ultra-popular religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism is, once again, the very same group of beings who control Earth right now. And, the group of beings who invented civilization, first in ancient Mesopotamia and then in ancient Egypt is, again, the very same group of beings who control Earth right now.
Ne tykkää myös pelata ja luoda viihdettä..
Darkness, also known as "Satan" or "The Devil," created the universe (and, this includes the higher, non-physical dimensions, too). He is holding all of us captive inside of it. The true creator of existence lives in a different realm--the True Realm. The universe is indeed a crude pseudo-creation, and everything in it is based upon programming (e.g., DNA). There is no programming in the True Realm, because it is not a virtual reality, it is simply reality. In the True Realm, crude concepts such as time, biological life, karma, and physics do not exist. Only Darkness, who is a pseudo-creator, would create a realm that is based on such things. Anything that is "technical" or governed by rules or restrictions (which, by the way, is everything in this universe, with the concept of "karma" being just one example) is crude. The True Creator does not need to rely on any rules. That is why this universe is the Matrix--it has rules. It is a virtual reality, as opposed to reality.
When one dies, then goes on to the astral world (the fourth dimension), in between physical incarnations, they are still inside of Darkness's universe. And, even if one "ascends" beyond the fourth dimension, into a higher dimension, they are still inside of Darkness's universe. The only way to get out of the universe and into the True Realm is for the universe to be destroyed. One cannot "ascend" into the True Realm
Rules: Human beings erroneously assume that rules originated from a benevolent god, when in reality, the original source of rules is an evil, false god--Darkness. False gods are non-omnipotent, and therefore need to impose rules on their creations in order to control them. Moreover, this is why Earth religions, which were invented by the Reptilians in order to control human beings, have so many damn rules. Rules = Evil.
However, humanity, Earth, the solar system, the universe, etc., obviously could not function without rules. But, that does not mean that rules are "good" or that rules are an inherent aspect of existence. Rather, that simply means that we are indeed inside of the False Realm--a rules-based, false creation.
Pretty much everything that is inherent in the False Realm (for example, rules) is, in fact, not inherent in the True Realm. Moreover, anything that is not inherent in the True Realm is, therefore, not truly inherent, and thus, should not be truly respected by you.