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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Raam raaj!  (Luettu 3277 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8258

« : 03.06.2019 09:53:34 »

TM-jargonissa Raam raaj (Ram raj) viitannee Intiassa väitetysti muinoin Kuningas (?) Raaman hallinnon
aikana vallinneeseen ongelmattomaan yhteiskuntaan, joka perustui funtsareiden ja varsinkin joogalentäjien
yhteisharjoituksen luomaan koherenttiin kollektiiviseen tietoisuuteen.

Kirjassaan Yogic Flying According to Yoga Vasishtha (tarkemmin: vaasiSTha) Peter Freund väittää, että
tuollainen yhteiskunta vaatii sitä, että vähintään 5 prosenttia populasta* harrastaa perusmeditaatiota,
tai huomattavasti pienempi osuus jengistä joogalentää yhdessä saman katon alla. Meitsin sanskritin
taidot eivät likimainkaan riitä siihen, että kykenisin pelkän devanaagarii-tekstin perusteella päättelemään
onko Peter'in käännöksissä paljonkin ns. stiiknafuuliaa...ainakin sanallista tauhkaa niissä on lähes järkiään
tuplasti tai triplasti alkutekstiin verrattuna!

Funtsareiden ei tarvii olla valaistuneita, riittää kun he kykenevät kSaNika-samaadhiin eli kokemaan
ajoittaista transsendoitumista "tappiin asti" meditaation aikana?

 Huh   crazy2

* Esimerkiksi Suomessa noin 250 tuhatta? Täysin utopistinen "tavoite"!
« Viimeksi muokattu: 03.06.2019 09:57:50 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8258

« Vastaus #1 : 03.06.2019 10:17:43 »

Tarina Shikhidvajasta ja CuuDaalaa'sta alkaa alla sivulta 68. En jaksanut lukea kuin muutaman sivun.
Liekö tuossa käännöksessä yhtään mitään joogalentämisestä?? LOL! (Nimet on translitteroitu hieman
erheellisesti: Sikhidwaja ja Chudalai; ch alussa on ok tavallisille pulliaisille tarkoitetussa tekstissä
mutta loppu-i on outo...)

(Lisäys) Ainakin monet translitteraatiot ovat ennenkuulumattoman karmeita, kuten
esim. AUM NAMOH NARAYANA, älyttömästi paremmin: om namo naaraayaNaaya (datiivi sanasta naaraayaNa)

Olisikohan tämä vähän laadukkaampi opus, Laghu-versio eli kevyt-versio (Valitut Palat?), "vain" vähän runsaat 700 sivua:

Näyte; kunkku ihmettelee miksi CuuDaalaa valaistuttuaan jo varttuneena on muuttunut nätiksi kuin sika pienenä:

„How is it, O beloved one, that you now appear
radiant with so much beauty, as if your youth had
returned to you, as if you had become as it were
the prototype of beauty, had quaffed divine nectar

 This corroborates the fact that when one becomes a Brahma-jnani, a
Tejas or spiritual glory arises in him.

and attained the Brahmic seat of eternal, heavenly
bliss? How does it happen that your mind is now
blessed with tranquillity, devoid of the desire of
enjoyment and free from instability? By what
chance do you possess this perfect beauty of both
mind and body? By your purity, I desire you to
answer me.
To this Chudala vouchsafed the following reply:
„Having abandoned this universe, which is both
rupa and Arupa, I attained that mighty and
incomparable One which survives the destruction
of all things in the universe; hence the radiant Tejas (loiste?)
in my body. I have cognised that which is the
substratum of all, being the atom of atoms and the
homogeneous whole without creation or
destruction; thus arises this radiant Tejas in my
form. Though I do not enjoy objects of the senses,
yet do I derive happiness therefrom without the
pains attendant upon such enjoyment, and
therefore love and hatred have taken farewell of
me. I exult through the divine vision (taught of in
books) in the company of Jnana, the mistress of the
household, who has love and hatred as hand-
maidens performing mental duties. Hence do I
glory in the possession of contentment and bodily
beauty. In no way affected by the objects which I
perceive by my eyes and through my mind, I
realise within myself that Consciousness
(Chaitanya) which has not the characteristics of the
universe but is un- create. Thus arises my beauty.‟

(Lisäys) Hmm... näyttää tässäkin käännöksessä olevan läppää joogalennosta:

s. But there arose
in her, through her own volition, a desire to be a
„walker of the skies‟(in order to convince her
husband of her real powers and so lead him into
the spiritual path). For this purpose she freed
herself from all pains arising from enjoyment and
seated herself in a solitary spot, in a pleasant
posture, in order to obtain enlightenment.

Lisäys: jonkinmoinen synopsis koko tarinasta?

King Sikhidhwaja and Queen Chudala — The royal couple lead an idyllic life and both pursue
spiritual knowledge. Chudala practices self-inquiry and attains Self realization. Sikhidhwaja notices
she appears unusually radiant, but when she explains Self realization, he dismisses her as a mere
woman. — Astral Travel : Chudala keeps her wisdom to herself and learns the yogic powers of
manifesting astral bodies and astral travel. (VTA.77-80). Vasishta explains how such powers are
possible. Queen Chudala tries to share her knowledge with her husband, but Sikhidhwaja continues to
simply dismiss her as being only a woman. (VTA. 83)

« Viimeksi muokattu: 03.06.2019 18:10:10 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8258

« Vastaus #2 : 03.06.2019 11:39:07 »

OMG! VasiSTha väittää Raamalle että joogalennon (kha-ga: walker in the skies) salaisuus on kuNDalinii*:

There is among the
one hundred Nadis one incomparable, called
Antraveshtanika It is spherical, like a vortex, or the
circular sounding-board of the vina. This will be
found to pervade all places and all bodies from
those of Brahma down to Jiva (the Ego). Like the
coiling body of a serpent when it sleeps, shivering
with cold, this ever-immoveable Nadi coils itself
up and rests firmly through Prana-Vayu. Like a
plantain flower it is exceedingly delicate within. In
this Nadi, it is said, there is a pure and resplendent
Sakti (power) called Kundalini which will enable
men to have mastery over the tremendous powers
of nature. This Sakti will ever be hissing like an
angry female serpent.
It will ever rear its head
aloft. It is the cause of the fluctuation which takes
place in the mind. All the other Nadis are
connected with this Kundalini Sakti. This Sakti
becomes purified only by the immaculate rays of
jnana (tieto). It is transformed into the Jnana rays through
meditation; becomes Jnana through Jnana; a Jiva
through the tendencies of a Jiva; Manas through
Manasa (contemplation); the manifold Sankalpa
through Sankalpa; Buddhi through certain
knowledge and Ahankara through egoism. Thus
this Sakti rejoices in the name of Puriashtaka.
Kundalini Sakti passing as Jiva associates itself
with the body which derives great benefit
therefrom. Being of the nature of Prana and Apana,
it goes up and down. As it is without fixity it
becomes of the nature of all and may take an
upward course or a down ward one. And it is this
Sakti which, though it becomes without any

*kuNDalin   mfn. decorated with ear-rings MBh. R. &c. ; circular , annulate , Harriv. 4664 ; (%{I}) m. a snake Ra1jat. i , 2 ; the spotted or painted deer L. ; a peacock L. ; the tree Bauhinia variegata Bhpr. ; N. of S3iva ; of Varun2a L. ; (%{inI}) f. the plant Coccus cordifolius L. ; a particular dish (curds boiled with ghee and rice) Bhpr. ; a S3akti or form of Durga1.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 03.06.2019 11:44:25 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8258

« Vastaus #3 : 03.06.2019 17:58:19 »

OT: WTF! "Raskas" (guru?) versio, vaatimattomat 2600 sivua:

Voe rähmä! Tuo onkin hindii'tä eikä sanksriittia...  buck2
« Viimeksi muokattu: 03.06.2019 18:01:29 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Sivuja: [1]