OT Heureka! Tämä pätkä (punainen) on ties kuinka kauan ollut meitsille
arvoitus syntaksiltaan:
tatsAdhane dvayaM mukhyaM sarasvatyAstu chAlanam |
prANarodhamathAbhyAsAdR^ijvI kuNDalinI bhavet || 8||
Jos tuon lukee siten että ekan rivin jälkeen tulee pistettä vastaava paussi,
se on sisällöllisesti epälooginen (tuiki vapaasti ja vähän arvaillen):
Sen harjoittamisessa kaksi (jutskaa) on tärkeitä: sarasvatiin kuljettaminen.
Ilmeisesti tuo virke kuitenkin jatkuu seuraavalle riville:
tatsAdhane dvayaM mukhyaM sarasvatyAs* tu chAlanam |
prANarodhamathAbhyAsAdR^ijvI kuNDalinI bhavet || 8||
Sen harjoittamisessa kaksi (jutskaa) on tärkeitä: sarasvatiin kuljettaminen (ja)
praaNan (liikkeen) hillitseminen/estäminen? ("Niitä" harjoittaen kuNDalinii
suoristuu (ja menee suSumnaa-naaDii'hin?))
Tuossakin tapauksessa virke on vähän merkillinen kun ja-sanaa (ca; tsha) ei
ole lainkaan! Mutta kuitenkin tuo toinenkin rivi kuulostaa noin syntaksiltaan
"paremmalta"! (Toki on mahdollista että partikkeli
tu toimii tuossa konnektorina (ja-konjunktion funktiossa)...)
sarasvatyaas on yks. genetiivi sanasta
sarasvatii, joka tässä tapauksessa tarkoittanee
kuNDaliniin tapaista shaktia:
sarasvatI f. (of %{sa4rasvat} q.v. under %{sa4ras}) a region abounding in pools and lakes MBh. i , 7745 ; N. of a river (celebrated in RV. and held to be a goddess whose identity is much disputed ; most authorities hold that the name SñSa4rasvati1 is identical with the Avestan Haraquaiti river in Afghanistan , but that it usually means the Indus in the RV. , and only occasionally the small sacred rivers in Madhya-des3a [see below] ; the river-goddess has seven sisters and is herself sevenfold , she is called the mother of streams , the best of mothers , of rivers , and of goddesses ; the R2ishis always recognize the connection of the goddess with the river , and invoke her to descend from the sky , to bestow vitality , renown , and riches ; elsewhere she is described as moving along a golden path and as destroying Vr2itra &c. ; as a goddess she is often connected with other deities e.g. with Pu1shan , Indra , the Maruts and the As3vins [1182,3] ; in the A1pri hymns she forms a triad with the sacrificial goddesses Id2a1 and Bha1trati ; accord. to a myth told in the VS. xix , 12 , SñSa4rasvati1 through speech [%{vAcA}] communicated vigour to Indra ; in the BrShman2as she is identified with %{vAc} , `" Speech "' , and in later times becomes goddess of eloquence see below) RV. &c. &c. ; N. of a well-known small river (held very sacred by the Hindu1s ; identified with the modern Sursooty , at , d formerly marking with the Dr2ishadvati1 one of the boundaries of the region A1rya-des3a and of the sacred district called Brahma7varta [see Mn. ii , 17] in RV. vii , 95 , 2 , this river is represented as flowing into the sea , although later legends make it disappear underground and join the Ganges and Jumna1 at Allahiba1d ; see %{tri-veNI} , %{prayAga}) ib. ; N. of various rivers (esp. of rivers which in sacredness are equal to SñSa4rasvati1 and which are three accord. to AV. vi , 101 , and seven accord. to MBh. ix , 2188) ; any river Naigh. i , 13 ; N. of the goddess of eloquence and learning (cf. above ; she is opposed to S3ri or Lakshmi1 [cf. Vikr. v , 24] , and sometimes considered as the daughter and also wife of Beahma1 , the proper wife of that god being rather Sa1vitri or Ga1yatri ; she is also identified with Durga1 , or even with the wife of Vishn2u and of Manu , and held to be the daughter of Daksha) Mn. MBh. &c. ; speech or the power of speech , eloquence , learning wisdom MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a celestial or oracular voice Ka1lid. Katha1s. Ra1jat. ; a cow VS. viii , 43 ; an excellent woman (= %{strI-ratna}) L. ; N. of various plants (Cardiospermum Halicacabum , Egle Marmelos , Ruta Graveolens &c.) L. ; N. of a twoyear-old girl representing Durga1 at her festival L. ; of a poetess Cat. ; of various other women (esp. of the wives of Dadhica , S3am2kara7ca1rya , Man2d2an2amis3ra &c.) ib. ; of one of the ten mendicant orders traced back to S3arnkaraca1rya (whose members add the word %{sarasvatI} to their names).