Hei se on totta.
Findhornin puutarhassa ne oli tietoisia keijuista ja elementaaleista ja maahisista. Olen koettanut Suomen metsissä kulkiessani puhua näille olennoille tai aistia. Huomaan kyllä metsän rauhan ja vihreyden - mutta ei vielä toistaiseksi suoraan tunne näitä. Jos vielä enemmän perehtyisi magiaan ja luonnon henkiin, niin ehkä sitten.
Mutta tosiaan, aina hyvä muistaa kun täällä painiskelee, että korkeammat ulottuvuudet on olemassa.
Enkeliterapeuttini mukaan arkkienkelit ovat 9D tasolla. Niitä olen kyllä kokenut.
Jos Vegalaiset johtavat, niin mitä tekevät lyralaiset.. tai, miten Orion. Negatiiviset rodut. Koetanpa löytää jostain missä ulottuvuudessa Orion piilee, ainakin 5D.
http://home.tiscali.nl/gibbon/ssoa/sananda-and-co.htmOhhoh, muka Mestarit tulis Orionilta. Onpas nyt taas leijuvaa tietoa..ja ulottuvuuksia on ainakin 25. No onhan niitä kai 1000-
The dominion over your cosmos was obtained in a parallel manner to how Sananda created dominion over the 3rd, 5th, and 12th dimensions. It was the last ascension upon Earth by a being known as Buddha that allowed Sananda to have just enough chi to push his thought-form to a cosmic level vibration. From a cosmic level, Sananda could control all 3rd,, 5th and 12th dimensional planets and stars within the Great Central Sun.
As Earth revealed and released the karma related to how Sananda inflated his thought-form of dominion, all other dimensions that have been under the dominion of Sananda simultaneously released their karma dismantling the patterns related throughout the 3rd, 5th 12th and 25th dimensions.
These seven planes include the Plane of Pleasure (related to the Plane of Pain); the Plane of Boredom (related to the Plane of Fear); the Plane of Humor (related to the Plane of Suffering); the Plane of Blind Trust (related to the Plane of Judgment); the Plane of Birth (related to the Plane of Death); the Plane of Poverty (related to the Plane of Greed); and the Plane of Rejection (related to the Plane of Lust). Ascending initiates may wish to retrieve parts of soul and fractured bits of self trapped upon these additional seven planes of reality that were buried underneath the seven others.
http://www.soulinvitation.com/draco/bigpicture.htmlThe same applies to the other 8 universes, which are
the "MAS", "DFG", "CMW", "ESY", "DAL", "ASM", "CAM", and "BTL" universes,
in descending order going out from Source. Each universe exists at a
different energy level, vibration rate, or dimension, depending on how you
like to think of those things. The "FYL" Universe is at the highest energy
or dimension and the "BTL" Universe is the lowest. We currently live in
the "CAM" Universe, or
the 8th universe. In terms of dimensions, the first 5 universes are at different levels of the 5th Dimension, the remaining 4 are at different levels of 3rd Dimension.
*Tässä on vihdoin jotain vastauksia kysymyksiini. Kun on rinnakkaisia
tai peräkkäisiä universumeja, meidän universumimme on alimmalla tasollaan 3. ulottuvuudessa (tai onhan ne 1 ja 2 ulottuvuudetkin) kun taas muut universumit alkavat suoraan 5.tasolta. Sen takia on siis ehkä jotain järkeä luoda kaikkeuksia, koska ne alkavat aina yhä korkeammalta tasolta. "Kehittyvät" siis, jos nyt jotain muuta on oltava kuin 1000. taso.
Voisiko jumaluus luoda kaikkeuden, josta puuttuisi kaikki 25.ulottuvuutta alemmat tasot? Luulisi että SITTEN ei voisi olla sotia, ristiriitoja, puutteita, alistamista, rikkaiden ylivaltaa taloudessa jne ymv. (raha keskittyy aina yksiin käsiin)Tai sairauksia, vanhenemista, kuolemaa, pelkoja, rakkaudettomuutta, sydänsuruja ja muuta pölhöä draamaa.
Ehkä tosiaan olen ollut jollain avaruusaluksella kapuna ja planeettahallinnossa, kun aina etsin tietoa näistä asioista.
First of all, you have to understand that
life first originated in the FYL Universe somewhere between 15 and 20 TRILLION years ago. Beings slowly made their way through the many different universes until they finally came to this one. Humanoids similar to ourselves first came into existence in the ESY Universe, and they fell under the control of the 12 "higher" races from the FYL Universe. Many
wars were played out in all those different universes and many planets were
completely blown apart by antimatter weapons.
One very important thing that I have come to understand is that NONE of these "Higher" FYL races ever actually came down to Earth physically. They have all somehow managed to maintain their 5th dimensional energy levels in this 3D Universe. My sense is that they live in or on artificial planets or giant "space stations". So their energy levels would not be compatible with the lower 1st Octave, 3D energies of the Earth.
http://www.star-knowledge.net/thirteen.htmhttp://www.outofthisworldradio.com/written_transcripts-Alex%20Collier%20.htmlAlex : Because the soul recognizes someone's energy. You know, when you meet somebody that you meet for the first time, or you think you've met them for the first time, and you have this instant recognition, this instant liking, it is your soul acknowledging the fact that it knows the vibration of the person you've just met. Okay and our conscious and our subconscious, our conscious mind doesn't know that because its here in real time, we're in the moment, where your subconscious doesn't know time. It doesn't know time at all, it records things, and blends things all at once, whether its a present life or a past life.
You know, the
universe has 100 trillion galaxies, we live in a galaxy, that's where we have a central sun, and we have all the other stars and planets and planetary systems, and star constellations, that rotate around it..
www.lettersfromandromeda.comhttp://members.yournet.com/jobrien/liz-3.htmlThe 7th, 9th and 11th dimensions are levels of pure Spiritual existence or
"SPIRIT", which is distinct from "SOUL". Spirit Guides and the Archangels
are 7th dimensional Beings, and the Angelic Beings are 9th dimensional
Beings. But all BEINGS, whether they are physical or spiritual, have a
level of "SOUL" Consciousness at the next higher even dimensional level.
So the 4D Consciousness is the "SOUL SOURCE" of 3D Beings, and 6D
Consciousness is the "SOUL SOURCE" of 5D Beings, or the "OVERSOUL SOURCE"
to 3D Beings, etc. Names become sort of nebulous beyond that level, but
the pattern continues on up to 13th dimension which is Source or the "I AM"
level of Consciousness. At that level, there would be no distinction
between "BEING" and "SOUL", it would be all truly ONE.