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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Mercury retrograde eruption!  (Luettu 6301 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8253

« : 25.10.2019 15:10:40 »

Nokia dippaa lisää, alle kolmen euron??   Embarrassed

Livalin lamppumiehen possa kevenee kaikenkaikkiaan yli 10 miljonaa euroa verrattuna
tilanteeseen ennen osaria??


Pörssiastrologi Tim Bost, korostusväri lisätty:

Are you ready for the Mercury retrograde eruption?

Tim Bost verkkotunnuksen  kautta

As you've probably heard, Mercury will be going retrograde on October 31.

A Mercury retrograde period is not really a rare thing. We get them three times each year.

When Mercury is retrograde, we have to deal with mixed-up communications, broken connections, and travel delays. It can be inconvenient, but we can usually muddle our way through.

But this time it's different.

That's because, less than six hours after Mercury begins its backward motion next week, the powerful transneptunian Vulcanus will be going retrograde, too.

Together they're ready to create an extremely intense Mercury retrograde Halloween eruption.

This is a very rare combination of planetary events!

The impact on the markets - and on your personal trading - is likely to be unavoidable.

For starters, this challenging planetary combination is ready to slam the action in the markets in a very big way.

We're also likely to feel its effects in geopolitics and in our personal lives as well.

But this is not just a cause for apprehension.

It also has the potential to be a major opportunity - if you know how to work with it effectively.

That's why we've scheduled a special advanced training webinar for Friday, well before the Mercury retrograde begins.

During this in-depth session, we'll take a look at the Mercury Retrograde Halloween Eruption.

We'll share back-testing results.

We'll examine probable market impacts.

And we'll focus on the specific strategies you can use to turn this incredibly intense event into a major personal opportunity.

As with all our advanced training sessions like this, we're keeping the tuition fee low.

But this time around we're having to limit the attendance. There are only 250 seats available.

We need to restrict the size of the group to allow for more interaction and discussion, since this is an advanced training event.

That means you'll want to take action right away if you want to join us.

It's a one-time-only event, but your ticket price will also include access to the webinar recording that will be released over the weekend.

This is definitely an event you won't want to miss.

Sign up now for the Mercury Retrograde Halloween Eruption webinar at:

I'm looking forward to seeing you there!

All the best,
« Viimeksi muokattu: 25.10.2019 15:19:04 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Viestejä: 8253

« Vastaus #1 : 26.10.2019 08:59:30 »

Vulcanus näköjään retroilee huhtikuun puoleenväliin 2020!   Shocked
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