en minäkään oikein uskalla lähteä tulkitsemaan mutta neitsyt aurinkoosi uranus tekee oppositiota seuraavat melkein 2 vuotta eli muutoksia? alla mitä astro.com:issa siitä transiitista sanotaan
"During this time you should look for sudden changes in your environment that challenge your expression as an individual and force you to take a stand about what you really are. A sudden challenge in the outer world may force you to take more responsibility for your life. Typical effects of this influence would include sudden events concerning men or your superiors or employers; unexpected circumstances that force you to change your course of action; sudden changes in a relationship, especially if you have not allowed self-expression for yourself or your partner; and sudden changes in health, involving your heart and circulatory system especially.
By this time you have built up a lifestyle that you consider valid and practically realizable. Most adults by now have given up certain ideals and goals as impossible. You have probably surrendered large parts of yourself as an accommodation with reality. The suppressed energies from this source lie behind the manifestation of this influence. It demands that hidden pressures be released, but you will probably feel that these events are happening to you rather than that you are doing them. What is happening is the passing away of something that has prevented you from being free. The trouble is that most people come to value security and predictability over freedom of self-expression. Consequently this influence is frequently upsetting."