Tämä on kyllä hyvin hatara muistikuva ja tod. näk. osin erheellinen,
mutta muistaaksemme MMY joskus oli sitä mieltä että Rgvedan(??) säe
yathaa puurvam akalpayat
(Lisäys) Rgveda X 190.3
sUryAchandramasau dhAtA
yathApUrvamakalpayat |
divaM cha pR^ithivIM chAntarikShamatho svaH || 10\.190\.03
Ralph Griffith'in vähän epätarkalta vaikuttava käännös:
3 Dhātar, the great Creator, then
formed in due order Sun and Moon.
He formed in order Heaven and Earth, the regions of the air, and light.
yathA adv. as, in which way
pUrva a. being before
...kuvaa mm. sitä kuinka uusi universumi syntyy "muiston" (smRti; ~smriti*) perusteella
annihiloituneesta universumista, kuten esim. "muistikuva" puun siemenen DNA:ssa
on siitä miten puu "rakennetaan":
‘Go the way in which cosmic life always goes. And how it goes? Yatha purvam akalpayat—“As it was before”. “As it was before”. “As it was before”. This is Natural Law. And what was before? Go back and go back and go back and go back, go back, before, before. Where you will come? You will come to a point which will have the memory of infinity, and you’ll come to infinity in this way when you go expansion. Then the whole expanded value will have the memory of the point.
https://press-conference.globalgoodnews.com/archive/april/03.10.01.html ‘Now I am addressing those who are fond of democracy. It’s childish, it’s brutal, it’s destructive. But if you do want to stick to democracy, then be wise. You have two contrasting sides of life in your country—one very ignorant, one very wise. Put them together. This [one] is point of intelligence; this [one] is infinity of intelligence. If you are able to harmonize between them, then you are a very wise, intelligent, and prudent democractic. Otherwise, you are a fraud!
‘Democracy in the right sense should be able to reconcile between the two opposites. That is the democracy worth the name. Otherwise, it’s a trash; it’s poison. In the democracy as it is practiced today, each country has been divided—divided into fragments of different—this what you call—parties, parties, parties. Useless and waste of life!
(Vanhuksella, noin 85-vuotiaalla taitaa muisti jo vähän pätkiä...varsinkin kun hänellä väitettiin
olleen diabetes??)
* Noinkohan suomen sana
muisti muistuttaa lähes eniten tuota sanaa ainakin ei-indoeurooppalaisista kiälistä?