Joopa. Minulla oli
Mr Maalarin kanssa tällaista. Oli kaikkea loistokasta ja naimisiin asti mentiin, ja sen jälkeen on ollut vaikea rakastua samalla teholla, vaikka olenhan minä. Mies saattaa jopa mennä siihen juttuun aika pitkälle ja sitten tehdä äkkiä muuta. Eli kattelehan vaikka myös teidän ongelmat. Jätin tästä pois yhden, joka rakasti, mutta oli liian pehmo; meillä taisi olla enemmänkin hyviä aspekteja hänen kanssaan, kun yhteenkin muutin, ja luulin että menin pitempiaikaista onnea kohti, vaan ei. Jarrut on nyt päällä kyllä.
J's Moon Conjunct M's Sun * Traditional Synastry Aspect Weight = 8.4
M's solar life force will be strongly attracted by J's lunar, feminine, receptive, feeling nature. This is a natural polarity of the primal creative and receptive principles.
This aspect will form a very stable foundation for marriage. J's Venus Conjunct M's Venus * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 7.6
The conjunction of the planet of love will often manifest as liking the same things, such as other people, art, music, movies, food, etc. There will be a strong love connection between the two of you, and you may become intoxicated with each other. J's Pluto Conjunct M's Uranus * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 7.1
When the sexual energy of M combines with the spiritual energy of J, there may be a
transforming of the sexual energy towards the spiritual. This can be very powerful connection and your spiritual togetherness could help light the hearts of the world.
J's Jupiter Sextile M's Venus * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 6.0
Venus has a reputation as being the planet of love. Jupiter is the most beneficent planet, urging humans to 'eat, drink, and be merry'. M will love J's good hearted nature and 'big thinking' and J will draw out M's loving nature.
When Venus is harmoniously connected with Jupiter, 'let the good times roll'! J's Pluto Trine M's Mars * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 5.9
This is an intense aspect, and can be exciting and powerful if channeled properly.
M may find J very inspiring, 'deep' and worthwhile to be with. M's outgoing energy will help bring J's noble ideals into manifestation. J's Jupiter Conjunct M's Uranus * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 5.1
Jupiter is the largest and most powerful planet. It glows with its own energy as well as reflected light from the Sun and generally creates favorable conditions and good personality characteristics for everyone. When mighty Jupiter is conjunct Uranus, planet of creativity and sexual energy, there is bound to be a strong and bountiful reaction.
Perhaps you will be lucky, or more fortunate than other people. You may use your sexual-creative energy in useful social projects, as Jupiter helps bring forth good for everyone. You will support each other in any endeavor without restriction. Alla alkaa näkyä ongelmat.J's Moon Square M's Saturn * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 4.2
J's feelings won't be appreciated or understood by M, who may be hard working much of the time. The two of you may have difficulty working together.
This square may be emotionally restrictive for J, the two of you may simply feel isolated from each other in some situations. J's Sun Square M's Jupiter * Traditional Synastry Aspect Weight = 2.4
J and M may want to each 'do their own thing' with this aspect. There probably wont be quarrels, just independence of action.
At a deep level, J's major purpose in life won't be supported by M, so there will a constant, yet perhaps unexpressed dissatisfaction. M may think that J is a party poop.
Hänen kanssaan rakkaus tuntui vielä tänä kesänä, mutta vaimokkeen takia pitää kieltää tunteet. Se oli mukavaa.. mutta äitini sanoin, Se minun elämänkumppani on varmaan todella hyvä tapaus sitten..
Hra Pelastaja-Järkkäri-duunari-hullu tiedemies:J's Jupiter Conjunct T's Mars * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 6.7
Fiery T may stimulate J to 'get off their fat ass and get to work'. Or, J may temper T's impatient, smoldering qualities and provide focus. If taken as a balance, this conjunction can strengthen both of you in your individual lives, including business, or domestic affairs.
J's Uranus Sextile T's Uranus * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 6.7
With your planets of sexual energy together, even though a sextile is less than a trine or conjunction, you will find pleasure in physically touching each another and the act of sex will probably be good.
Mihinkähän se empatia katosi, kun halutaan vain toisesta eroon?
J's Uranus Sextile T's Pluto * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 5.9
When the J's sexual energy connects with T's spiritual aspect, the sex may be transcendental, helping you both to achieve higher levels of consciousness.
Mental telepathy may be more easily possible with this aspect.
In your social life, you may share a mutual interest in reincarnation, paraphysics, or parapsychology. you could work together in the occult sciences, or in advanced scientific research.
En tule enää pitämään ihmeenä henkisiä yhteyksiä, mutta ne eivät takaa mitään.
J's Moon Sextile T's Moon * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 5.9
With the Moon's in harmony, all goes well, even when other things are difficult. J and T will always experience a harmony of likes and dislikes, a mutual understanding, and feelings of empathy for one another.
J's Venus Sextile T's Venus * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 5.9
This is a favorable aspect for marriage partners.
There will be many mutual interests, inclinations, similar attitudes in love, friendship, social life, and the arts. This aspect indicates a desire to help one another and to enjoy the same pleasures. The partners will be sympathetic and kindly towards each other.
Ylläolevanhan se alkoi sitten kieltää, että on paljon yhteistä.
J's Jupiter Trine T's Venus * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 5.7
Jupiter is the largest planet. It has a calming effect on Earth's magnetic field, a warming effect on the weather and usually a pleasant effect on human behavior. J's Jupiter is trine to T's Venus, the planet of love.
It will be easy to love one another, and it will feel good to be with each other. You will enjoy going out together, and to other people you will present a united and harmonious appearance.
T will be supportive of J's social or business endeavors. Together, you will feel comfortable bringing the love and joy you feel together into the world.
J's Venus Sextile T's Mars * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 5.3
Mars typically is connected with the male energy and Venus with the female energy. When these two are harmoniously connected there is a feeling of love or camaraderie between the two people.
J's Moon Conjunct T's Venus * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 5.3
When the feelings of one person are conjunct with the lovingness of the other, good harmony is bound to follow.
J may act as a magnet for T's love energy. Happiness and conjugal bliss will manifest from this conjunction. Ja mikä suru, kun se loppui. No, on näitä miehiä joiden kanssa näitä matcheja VOI saada aikaan.
Meillä oli ainakin kymmenen neliötä aika tärkeiden planeettojen kesken. Mutta toki se tuntui kohtalonomaiselta, sitä ei käy kieltäminen.J's Mercury Square T's Mars * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 4.9
The mental activity of Mercury may conflict with stubborn, impetuous Mars. You may be likely to argue, or, at the least, have a hard time working together on physical or mental projects. J's Moon Square T's Mars * Starmatch Solar Aspect Weight = 4.8
When the sometimes arrogant planet Mars is at right angles to the sensitive, emotional Moon, sparks can fly.
T can become impatient with J or hurt J's feelings.
Sanoisin että noissa kummassakin oli olennaista se draivi, fyysinen tekeminen, mikä sitten kai tempaisi mukaan ja rakkaustunteet. En tosiaan tykännyt siitä miten suhde loppui, koska jaettiin NIIN paljon muutamassa kuukaudessa. Mies haluaa tuntea olevansa erinomainen, niin että alussa ne näyttää hyvät puolensa.. Harmi että se menee välien poikkaisuun, mutta ellei kuollutta leikkaa, ei synny uutta..
Tässä vaiheessa tuntuu tärkeältä että "major life purpose is supported". Jos teillä ei ole paljon neliöitä, juttu voi kestää.. rakkauttahan ei voi kieltää tai voi, jos haluaa, mutta on se koettava.. mitä syvemmälle menee, sitä enemmän sattuu lopettaa. Mihin olet valmis? Oletko muuten onnellisempi yksin/seksisuhteet vai vakisuhteessa? Onhan se mukavampi jos joku rakastaa. ![Cool](
Miten mielestäsi itse rakastat, kun joukkari on sinussa nousuna ja kuitenkin olet kaksonen.. minä kai etsin elämää suurempaa ja nousuvaaka vetää aina suhteita luo..