(Maharishi-ilmiö: kun 1% paikkaseudun väestöstä harrastaa teeämmää, tahi neliöjuuri 1 prosentista joogapomppii,
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Tohtori John Hagelinin webinaari lauantaina 23.5 klo 19
"Dark Matter, the Subtle Body, and Long-Range Quantum
Hagelin graduated in physics in 1981, and began post-doctoral research at the CERN for less than a year, then at the SLAC). He vanished in 1983 in the midst of personal problems and reappeared a year later as physics professor at the Maharishi University of Management (MUM), then became its president.[4] Hagelin believes that his extended version of unified field theory is identified with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's "unified field of consciousness", a view that is rejected by "virtually every theoretical physicist in the world".[5] 
(1986) John S. Hagelin, Gordon L. Kane. "Cosmic ray antimatter from supersymmetric dark matter", Nuclear Physics B, 263(2), 20 January, 399–412.
(1985) John Ellis, John S. Hagelin. "Cosmological constraints on supergravity models", Physics Letters B, 159(1), 12 September, 26–31.
(1984) John Ellis, John S. Hagelin, et al. "Search for violations of quantum mechanics", Nuclear Physics B, 241(2), 23 July, 381–405.
(1984) John Ellis, J. S. Hagelin. "Supersymmetric relics from the big bang", Nuclear Physics B, 238(2), 11 June, 453–476.
(1983) John Ellis, John S. Hagelin. "Weak symmetry breaking by radiative corrections in broken supergravity", Physics Letters B, 125(4), 2 June, 275–281.
(1982) John Ellis, John Hagelin, D. V. Nanopoulos. "Spin-zero leptons and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon", Physics Letters B, 116(4), 14 October, 283–286.
(1981) John S. Hagelin. "Mass mixing and CP violation in the B0-B0 system", Nuclear Physics B, 193(1), 21 December, 123–149.
(1981) Sally Dawson, John S. Hagelin, Lawrence Hall. "Radiative corrections to sin2θW to leading logarithm in the W-boson mass", Physical Review D, 23, 1 June, 2666.
(1979) John S. Hagelin. "Weak mass mixing, CP violation, and the decay of b-quark mesons", Physical Review D, 20(11), 2893, 1 December.