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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Uranus tr Uranus/Pluto  (Luettu 3825 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 2 vierasta katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 76

« : 20.08.2006 10:48:49 »

Hei! Minkälaisia mielikuvia teille syntyy ko. transiitista, kun se vielä syntyy 4/10 -huoneisiin tai IC/MC:lle? Ja entä kun mukaan pyhältää vielä tr Saturnus (4. huoneeseen)? Sekä itselleni että ystävälleni on rakentumassa tällaisia kuvioita.
Bona Fide
Viestejä: 179

« Vastaus #1 : 20.08.2006 20:13:16 »

"  ...transiting Uranus (currently in Pisces) will soon begin opposing the same Uranus-Pluto point for the older group. To clarify: Yes, another major mid-life transit—the Uranus opposition—will start picking up steam for this group next year and continue through the remainder of the decade. Uranus opposition is the definitive 'I can't take it anymore' breaking-free, a liberating leap away from restriction and toward rabid individuality.

At Uranus opposition time, we hit the jolting recognition that time is ticking away… and if we're not going to bust out and live the unfettered creative existence we yearn for now, then when? As a result of Uranus's voyage through Pisces over these coming years, previously quiet Uranus-Pluto revolutionaries will likely become louder and more pronounced as progressive innovators on the public stage—just in time for an astrologically extreme 2009-2012, when we'll all need their leadership most… but I'll return to these issues at a later time.

Members of the Uranus-Pluto club: The best way to understand how this energy functions in your own life is to find out which natal house contains your Uranus-Pluto conjunction, and which houses are being triggered by the ongoing transits of Uranus and Pluto. To find out more, consider getting an astrology reading…  "

Bona Fide
Viestejä: 179

« Vastaus #2 : 20.08.2006 20:38:06 » :

In astrology, transiting Uranus opposing natal Uranus—a transit which occurs somewhere between the ages of 38 and 42—is often a time of re-evaluation and change. The creative, independence-loving, and visionary archetype of Uranus is not going to be satisfied with life structures that have been created if one’s essence, creativity, uniqueness, and independence are not involved. There’s truth to the belief that the more one sleep walks through life, the more challenging the Uranus opposition at mid-life can be. The notorious “crisis” may ensue if one really has chosen life style patterns for the sake of fitting in to consensus reality without any consideration of one’s authenticity and spirit. During the Uranus opposition, tolerance for simply “going on autopilot” may be completely exhausted, and events may transpire to suddenly and rapidly “wake one up” and get motivated to “out” one’s true identity to the world-at-large.

We can see the Uranus oppositions that are occurring to the 1960’s generation now as the slow, almost imperceptible, shifts in consciousness that will really break free in the next decade. In particular, those born in the mid-1960’s have a very interesting Uranus opposition ahead of them in the upcoming years. Those born in the mid-sixties were born under a Saturn opposition to Uranus. It was at this time when the countercultural tendencies became heightened and serious. Saturn opposing Uranus suggests a “facing off” or negotiation between young and old, tradition and progress, established values versus new ideas and ideals. Interestingly, as these mid-1960’s individuals throttle through their Uranus opposition, Uranus and Saturn form an opposition in the sky, aligning over the original Saturn-Uranus axis of the 1960’s.

This double axis of Saturn and Uranus suggests a need to renegotiate structures for this generation as they go through their mid-life transitions. Although the shape-shifting, creative, and “trickster”-like energy of the Uranus opposition always brings in some unpredictable change, with the addition of Saturn in the mixture, the changes will be of a harder quality, impact structures and security patterns directly, and force one to break free from outworn arrangements in one’s life. Saturn and Uranus as an archetypal combination is highly similar to the “Tower” card in tarot. The Tower suggests radical, unpredictable, and sudden reversals and shake ups. Like falling from a tower, the Uranus-Saturn interface suggests leaping into the unknown (or being forced to do so), abandoning a crumbling edifice in one’s life, or being hurled into a radically new life circumstance. As the alignment of 2010 draws near, the mid-sixties generation will be going through significant and important life alterations that “stacks the deck,” so to speak, for the collective transformations of 2010 and beyond.

Viestejä: 76

« Vastaus #3 : 20.08.2006 20:58:46 »

Ohhoh, onpas siinä tietopaketti. Kiitos antimoguli!

Isolle joukolle väkeä on siis tulossa mielenkiintoisia aikoja - parin vuoden päästä oma tarkka  uranus MC:llä saa seurakseen  saturnus ja tuolloin saapuu myös tr   uranus IC:lle - niitä aikoja kai kannattaa sitten odottaa...?!
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