Tämä video pistänee useimpien meistä käsityksen karmasta mullin mallin:
https://youtu.be/3WBhpSnfcEIDhyaana-lin.gan (dhjaana-ling-gan) pyhittämisen(?) jälkeen Jaggi olisi ensisijaisesti halunnut lähteä
loppuelämäkseen prätkäreissulle ympäri planeettaa??
? Mies joka suostui koskemaan "Jaggia" vain kepillä, "sosiaalinen idiootti":
https://isha.sadhguru.org/us/en/sadhguru/mystic/sadhguru-sri-brahmaSadhguru Sri Brahma was immensely empowered and lived almost miraculously. You may have heard of some of the things that he did, like walking through a locked prison door or making a boy walk on a lake. Things like that happened around him on a daily basis. People saw him as godlike, but they were terrified of him, because he seemed to be always angry. He was not angry with anyone – he was simply ferociously intense. Sadhguru Sri Brahma was like fire – simply on.
OT Suomen "haarakonttori"