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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Uusi energiamuoto  (Luettu 3681 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 312

« : 26.08.2006 17:07:41 »

Luin tuossa juuri The Economistia, ja silmiini sattui erikoinen mainos. Oletteko tietoisia tästä projektista? Mistä tässä on oikein kysymys, onko kyseessä huijaus vai ihan oikea juttu?

Katsokaa esimerkiksi "our Technology" osio.

Our Technology and the Laws of Physics

Steorn’s technology produces free, clean and constant energy. This provides a significant range of benefits, from the convenience of never having to refuel your car or recharge your mobile phone, to a genuine solution to the need for zero emission energy production. It also provides a secure supply of energy, since the components of the technology are readily available.

The technology is in a constant state of development. The company has focused for the past three years on increasing power output and the development of test systems that allow detailed analysis to be performed.

Steorn’s technology appears to violate the ‘Principle of the Conservation of Energy’, considered by many to be the most fundamental principle in our current understanding of the universe. This principle is stated simply as ‘energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only change form’.

Steorn is making three claims for its technology:

The technology has a coefficient of performance greater than 100%.
The operation of the technology (i.e. the creation of energy) is not derived from the degradation of its component parts.
There is no identifiable environmental source of the energy (as might be witnessed by a cooling of ambient air temperature).

The sum of these claims is that our technology creates free energy.
Viestejä: 312

« Vastaus #1 : 26.08.2006 22:44:51 »

Näin wikipedia sanoo tuosta firmasta...

En siis vieläkään ole saanut selvää... Taitaa kuitenkin olla pr-temppu?
Sivuja: [1]