Valaistuneisuus ihmisen luonnollisena olotilana on kyllä kiehtova ajatus – voiko se olla jotain, mitä meillä kaikilla on jo sisällämme, mutta kiire ja stressi peittävät sen?
Noin näyttäisi olevan ainakin mm. Kashmirin shaivismin (Shivan fanituksen) mukaan. Ko.
filosofisen suuntauksen(?) melko vähän tunnettu teos on (ensisijaisesti?) 20 suutrasta (kommentaareineen?) koostuva Pratyabhijña-hRdayam. Se vaikuttaa olevan läheistä sukua ei-dualistiselle advaita-vedaantalle.
Eilen tutustuin eka kertaa tuohon tekstiin tuubivideosta saamani vinkin perusteella. Esipuhe kannattaa lukea hartaasti: olla että tuon pdf:n saa näkyviin vasta sign up'in jälkeen...)
Pätkä esipuheesta, boldaus lisätty by me:
Pratyabhijna Hridayam, although not well known, is one of the masterpieces of occult literature.
To give the student some idea of the scope and philosophical grandeur of what is sought to be
considered within the scope of only twenty aphorisms contained in this treatise, we may take first a
bird's-eye view of the panorama of inner realities which are hinted at in this valuable treatise.
This will enable the student to appreciate more easily the value of this short treatise as a masterly
exposition, in an extremely condensed form, of the essential knowledge which an aspirant needs for
treading the path of practical occultism.
And it will also enable him to develop the capacity of drawing out by his own mental effort and
intuitive insight the vast stores of occult knowledge which are merely hinted at in the aphorisms.
For this reason it is a book eminently suited for those who are learning the art of meditation so that
they can dive deeper into the inner realms of knowledge and draw out from within what cannot be
expressed through the medium of language.
(Lisäys) Tämä on melko "hätkähdyttävä" virke:
The limitation of knowledge is so tremendous that the individual atma, whose consciousness is
essentially one with universal consciousness and therefore embraces the whole universe, becomes the
ordinary individual soul running after all kinds of objects in the unreal world to satisfy its hunger for