Kuten todettua tuli, englanninkielisessä laitoksessa on niin rutkasti minulle uppo-outoja sanoja (wanhanaikaista "hinduenglantiako"?), että päätin tilata myös suomenkielisen version. Melkoinen yllätys oli että sen saa Adlibriksestä huokeammalla (esim. 27,50 sisältäen toimituskulut) kuin antikvaareista!
Huh, mitä hintoja, mutta kaupaksi näyttää menevän!(Lisäys) Hmm...taitavat olla feikkipalautteita!
No, amazon'issa lienee enimmäkseen aitoja fiidbäkkejä:
Aitoja vai ei - fences, or not?Reilusti alle puolet ekasta reviewistä:
The Autobiography of a Yogi is much loved by millions around the world - it is even translated into Russian and Chinese - so another commentary by those who are drawn to meditation and eastern religious perspective is unnecessary. My comments I hope are for those Christians particularly, who would like to deepen their experience of God, but are wary about confusing their own religious beliefs by being influenced by theologies that may be in conflict with their own.
Much of the world is in a crisis of faith. Marginalized by modernism, darwinism, humanism, and the constant minimizing of spiritual and religious life. Radical fundamentalism in Islam and elsewhere, is gaining credibility, often just out of desperate resistance to moral relativism, at least on the surface. Suddenly in the age of information, many religious and spiritual choices are available, some questionable pop versions of profound traditions, some bizarre distortions, both of which can consume the precious commodities of faith and enthusiasm (Greek: with the feeling of God) and trap a person in a merry-go-round of distractions from a true experience of God. And there are others that are inspiring and life changing, that may not be the doorway to one's own spiritual path, but nevertheless are the precious outstretched hand of God, infinite in his ability to nudge his children toward their true home and identity in Spirit. Truly it is difficult to figure out which is gold and which is 'fool's gold, and the same voice of cautious that is important in order to be discriminating can also overpower the gentle voice of a Soul call. Some Christians, i.e., Unitarians for instance, feel that the influence of other religions only deepens their own belief structures. This is neither right or wrong, it is matter of temperament. Others do not want to have to think about the validity or consistency of the theology they, for whatever reasons, call their own. And this is certainly a legitimate concern - after all, faith is most useful when it is committed and non-conflicted.