« : 26.05.2024 12:50:28 » |
Siis nythän on niin että melana (meelana) näyttää olevan "kundaliinijoogan" (sen ehdan) mystisimpiä käsitteitä. Se on luultavasti sukua sanalle mela (meela, esim. Kumbha-mela -kekkerit). Mitä ilmeisimmin melana-sana on johdettu juuriverbistä (dhaatu) mil, vielleicht hier "sich vereinigen"??
mil , milati, °te (nicht zu belegen) Dhātup. 28, 71. 135. sich vereinigen mit, sich zu Jmd gesellen, Jmd begegnen, sich einstellen bei, sich einfinden bei, zusammenkommen mit (mit gen. instr. oder loc. der Per- son, und auch mit saha); sich zusammenfinden, zusammenkommen, zusammentreffen, sich vereinigen: na milati khalu yasyā vallabho daivayogāt Vet. in LA. (II) 20, 15. bahavo rājānaste milanti Kathās. 19, 53. 32, 45. evaṃ deva kṣmābhṛtāmekavīrā bhṛtyāḥ kecitpuṇyayogānmilanti 53, 195. 61, 18. amilacca tayormārge 64, 128. piturmilitvā Z. D. D. M. G. 14, 572, 24. tasyaiko 'milito 'bhavat Kathās. 52, 320. 64, 110. .....
Vahva veikkaus on että sana on läheistä sukua joogafilosofian synonyymisille käsitteille yoga ja samaadhi (yogaH samadhiH; joogas samadhihii: jooga [on] samaadhi).
Noh, kundaliinijoogan katekismuksessa, yogakuNDalyupaniSat'issa, sana melana esiintyy opuksen loppupuolella useamman kerran:
Its practice and Melana are not accomplished simultaneously. Those that are bent upon practice alone do not get Melana.6. Only some get the practice, O Brahmana, after several births, but Melana is not obtained even after a hundred births.7. Having undergone the practice after several births, some (solitary) Yogin gets the Melana in some future birth as the result of hispractice.8. When a Yogin gets this Melana from the mouth of his Guru, then he obtains the Siddhis mentioned in the several books.9. When a man gets this Melana through books and the significance, then he attains the state of Shiva freed from all rebirth.10. Even Gurus may not be able to know this without books. Therefore this science is very difficult to master.11. An ascetic should wander over the earth so long as he fails to get this science and when this science is obtained, then he hasgot the Siddhi in his hand (viz., mastered the psychical powers).12. Therefore one should regard as Achyuta (Vishnu) the person who imparts the Melana, as also him who gives out the science. 13. He should regard as Shiva him who teaches the practice. Having got this science from me, you should not reveal it to others.14-15. Therefore one who knows this should protect it with all his efforts (viz., should never give it out except to persons who deserve it). O Brahmana, one should go to the place where lives the Guru, who is able to teach the divine Yoga and there learn from him the science Khechari and being then taught well by him, should at first practise it carefully.16-17. By means of this science, a person will attain the Siddhi of Khechari.
Pätkä alkuperäisestä tekstistä joka mainitsee melanamantran (melanamanuH[!]):
melanamanuH | hrIM bhaM saM paM phaM saM kSham |
ह्रीं भं सं पं फं सं क्षम् ।क्षम्
(Saakohan noita mielessä hokemalla kuNDalinii-shaktin heräämään? Heh...)