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Kirjoittaja Aihe: Aika ja manojavitvam  (Luettu 836 kertaa)
0 jäsentä ja 1 vieras katselee tätä aihetta.
Viestejä: 8253

« : 28.06.2024 14:51:13 »

[Tavuviivat lukemisen helpoittami-seksi] Siis, yksi yoga-suutran 3. osan (vibhuuti-paada) kai yli 30:stä siddhistä (aka vibhuutista) on manojavitva(manoo-dsavitva).

Kysyin chatGPT:ltä mitenkä "hän" kääntäisi em. yhdys sanan (manas + javitva). Tässä vastaus:

In the Yoga Sūtra of Patañjali, the word "मनोजवित्वम्" (manojavitvam) appears in the context of the siddhis (supernatural powers) that can be achieved through advanced yogic practice.

The word "मनोजवित्वम्" is a compound consisting of:

"मनस्" (manas) meaning "mind."
"जवित्वम्" (javitvam) meaning "swiftness" or "speediness."
Thus, "मनोजवित्वम्" (manojavitvam) can be translated as "the swiftness of the mind."

In the Yoga Sūtra, this term refers to the ability to move or act with the speed of the mind. It implies a state where the yogi can move as swiftly as their thoughts, transcending the usual physical limitations. This is one of the many extraordinary capabilities that a yogi can develop through dedicated practice and mastery of the mind and body.

Tuo innoitti keksimään itselle jutskan joka havainnollistaisi ajan paradoksaalisuutta:

Kuvitelkaamme että pystyisimme siirtymään ajatuksen nopeudella planeetalle joka on vaikkapa 5000 valovuoden päässä meistä. Siinä tapauksessa näkisimme oman aurinkokuntamme tilanteen sellaisena kuin se oli 5000 vuotta sitten? Kun sitten esimerkiksi palaisimme takaisin oman aurinkokuntamme yhtä vikkelästi kuin olimme sieltä siirtyneet, voisimme kertoa jengille ... miettikää ite loput. Meitsin simppelit talkkarin aivot menee solmuun. Mutta voiko tuosta ajatuskokeesta jotenkin tulla siihen päätelmään että kaikki aika on jo olemassa ja koko tulevaisuus on ikäänkuin betoniin valettu??

Viestejä: 8253

« Vastaus #1 : 28.06.2024 15:00:56 »

Ko. tekniikka on esitytelty edillisessä suutrassa (kaikki kääntäjät eivät taida olla yksimielisiä siitä että kyseessä olisi fyysisen ropan siirtyminen paikasta toiseen ajatuksen nopeudella...)

Sutra III.47


grahaṇa-svarūpa-asmitā-a[n]vaya*-arthavattva-saṁyamāt-indriya jayaḥ ॥47॥

* translitteraatiovirheen korjaus: EI avaya vaan anvaya (anu + aya)...

[HA]: By Samyama On The Receptivity, Essential Character, I-sense, Inherant Quality And Objectiveness Of The Five Organs, Mastery Over Them Can Be Acquired.

[IT]: (48):

Mastery of the sense-organs by performing Samyama on their power of cognition, realy nature, egoism, all pervasiveness and functions.

[VH]: By sanyama on (their) process of perception, svarupa – essential nature, the sense of “I am”, (their) interconnectedness and nature of serving a purpose, mastery of the indriya-sense organs.

[BM]: From perfect discipline of the receptive, intrinsic, egotistic, relational, and purposive functions of the sense organs, one attains mastery over them,

[SS]: (48):

By samyama on the power of perception and on essential nature, correlation with the ego sense and purpose of the sense organs, mastery over them is gained.

[SP]: (48) By making samyama on the transformation that the sense-organs undergo when they contact objects, on the power of illumination of the sense-organs, on the ego-sense, on the gunas which constitute the organs, and on the experiences they provide for the individual, one gains mastery of the organs.

[SV]: (48):

By making Samyama on the objectivity, knowledge and egoism of the organs, by gradation comes the conquest of the organs.

Sutra III.48

ततो मनोजवित्वं विकरणभावः प्रधानजयश्च॥४८॥

tato mano-javitvaṁ vikaraṇa-bhāvaḥ pradhāna-jayaś-ca ॥48॥
[HA]: Thence Come Powers Of Rapid Movement As Of The Mind, Action Of Organs Independent Of The Body And Mastery Over Pradhana, The Primordial Cause.

[IT]: (49):

Thence, instantaneous cognition without the use of any vehicle and complete mastery over Pradhana.

[VH]: From that, the swiftness of the mind, the state of transcending the sense organs, and mastery over pradhana-the primary matrix of matter (prakrti).

[BM]: From this one acquires quickness of mind, perception without the aide of the senses, and mastery over primordial matter.

[SS]: (49):

From that, the body gains the power to move as fast as the mind, ability to function without the aid of the sense organs, and complete mastery over the primary cause (Prakriti).

[SP]: (49) Hence the body gains the power of movement as rapid as that of the mind, the power of using the sense-organs outside the confines of the body, and the mastery of Prakriti.

[SV]: (49):

From that comes glorified mind, power of the organs independently of the body, and conquest of nature.

« Viimeksi muokattu: 28.06.2024 15:04:43 kirjoittanut sideman » tallennettu
Sivuja: [1]