« : 08.02.2025 17:11:11 » |
Tänään aamusella tsekkasin TM-liikkeen pomon, Tony Naderin MD, PhD, MARR, naamakirjan viimeisimmät postaukset. Niiden joukossa oli mm. David Lynch -vainaan muisteluvideo. Sieltä bongasin tutun sloganin 'satyam eva jayate' [satjam eeva dsajatee, Totuus lopulta(?) voittaa)], सत्यमेव जयते, joka on Intian kansallinen motto (national motto). En ole aiemmin tiennyt, että se on peräisin muNDaka upanishad'ista (muNDakopaniSat), jota väitetään kenties mystisimmäksi kaikista upanishad'eista.
Löysin mielestäni loistavan käännöksen & kommentaarin, laatijana Svami Krishnaananda (svaamii kRSNaananda). Tässä satunnainen otos kommentaarista, opuksen loppupuolelta (näköjään pdf:stä copy-pasteemalla tekstiin tulee rutkasti ylimääräisiä välilyöntejä):
The indivisible nature of the Atman is reflected in the individual in the form of the urge for perfection, pre - ceded by a sense of imperfection. The in ner es sence of the in di vid ual al ways points to the pos si bil ity of and necessity for an un di vided state of ex is tence. The uni - verse man i fests it self as an organic whole and has got the char ac ter is tics of har mony and syn the sis among its con tents. The char ac ter of in di vis i bil ity im plies that of in fin i tude or Ab so lute ness, as that which is di vis i ble is con di tioned by space, time and mo tion. Per fec tion can - not be spa ti ali ty. The non-spa tial na ture of per fec tion means its non-tem po ral na ture also. It is not di vided by past, pres ent and fu ture be cause of non-ob jec tive ness. Ab so lute ness can have nei ther or i gin nor phe nom e nal con tin u ance nor ces sa tion. Hence it is eter nal, which ex - plains ev ery thing, but which it self is not ex plained by any thing. Non-tem po ral ity is the same as im mor tal ity, which again is the na ture of per fec tion or ex is tence with out change. The in abil ity of the in di vid ual to rest con tin u ously in any form of phe nom e nal life, and the con stant urge from within to tran scend one self ever felt by the in di vid ual, are the har bin gers of the knowl edge of the fact that the in di vid ual is in es sence a non-in
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