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Olen saanut nyt kolmelta astrologiasta kiinnostuneelta asiakkaaltani kyselyn englanninkielisistä astrologeista, jotka tarjoavat auliisti palveluitaan sähköpostiisi. Kaikissa kolmessa tapauksessa on asiakasta lähestytty täsmälleen samansisältöisellä kirjeellä. Kirjeen väittämän mukaan Kuun tekemä tärkeä transiitti vaikuttaa ko ihmisen kartalla puolen vuoden ajan ja vaatii tiettyjä toimenpiteitä.
Jutuilla ei ole mitään tekemistä astrologian kanssa. Jatkossa kyseinen astrologi tarjoaa lisäpalveluita ensin pientä maksua vastaan ja sitten suurempaa ja lopulta vielä suurempaa, jotta se todellinen onnenpotku pääsisi tapahtumaan. Kaikki jatkokirjeet ovat nekin toistensa kopioita, joskin taitavasti laadittuja sellaisia.
Alla on ihan vaan malliksi tällainen astrologi "Jennan" laatima kirje. Jos tällainen tulee kohdallesi, niin suhtaudu siihen sopivalla kriittisyydellä ja vertaa tähän oheiseen malliin.
Tekstit pysyvät samoina, mutta astrologien "nimet" vaihtuvat sopivin välein. Näitä on ollut tarjolla jo ainakin viiden vuoden ajan. Ammattiastrologien liitto tutki erästä tapausta, mutta tekijöitä ei löytynyt heidän ilmoittamastaan osoitteesta, joka osoittautui tyhjäksi, romua täynnä olevaksi tontiksi.
Dear Seppo
I'm just got back from my errand and sat straight down to write to
you and explain a little further everything I hinted at in my last
email to you this morning. In the following letter I have taken the
time to communicate to you all of the valuable information concerning
this period during which you will be under the maximum influence of the
Moon and I will explain exactly why this period is so important and why
you must get as much out of it as is possible. This is a vitally
important Lunar Transit and you must pay special attention to the
details I will go through below.
Apart from these details which my study of your configuration has
revealed I also wanted to work on increasing your energy and chance
with an magnetic action using an authentic Lunar fragment which I am
fortunate enough to posses. I think I mentioned this in my last email
but this is a piece of the Moon, a meteorite which weighs 36 grams and
which was discovered on the 11th of November in the Oman desert. I am
going to ask you for all of your attention Leena for what comes next.
This will only take you 5 minutes to read but the information I am
about to give you could change your life forever. First of all here is
what you can expect during this 6 month period which will start on the
4 August 2009:
- A fulfilling and satisfying evolution concerning your love life.
- A financial gain and I can see that this is most likely to be linked to a game or lottery.
- A important and exciting development in your professional life.
- The chance to solve the issues which have been worrying you for some time now.
- An encounter which is sure to bring you great pleasure and a
really positive development as far as your love life is concerned.
I want things to be very clear between us Leena as I need you to
understand that such an opportunity is a very rare chance which does
not come along twice in one lifetime and this is why this chance to
change your destiny must be seized with all of your passion and energy.
So I want to tell you that my explication will focus on 3 main points:
1) I am first going to explain exactly why this period is going to
be so important for you and any professional astrologer will be able to
confirm my findings.
2) I have worked with a fragment of our Moon to send you positive
energy to help you through the times ahead. I have included all the
details of this work in an attachment on this email.
3) It will be very important that you prepare yourself correctly
for this coming period so that you will be able to seize the vital
opportunities which will be open to you.
So let me explain point number one a little further. From the 4
August 2009 the Moon will find itself in a rare and very influential
position in relation to the position it held at the moment of your
birth and this position will have a very direct and powerful impact on
your personality Leena. This will be an important transit during which
the Moon will be extremely influential. This influence will last at
least 6 lunar cycles, in other words around 6 months as the Moon
completes one cycle in 29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes. In a more
general manner, the impact of the lunar influence can be seen all
around us and in nature and in our immediate environment. Three
quarters of our globe are covered in water and these oceans are in
constant movement (tides) due to the attraction of the Moon. Tides are
simply the movement of the ocean's waters in an opposite direction to
the spin of the Earth and the influence of the Moon does not stop here.
It's proximity to the Earth causes a certain atmospheric 'friction' and
slows down the spin of the Earth which effectively means that the Moon
also increases the length of our days. The Moon also affects
underground water sources, regular terrestrial movements, vibrations on
the Earth's surface and also touches living creatures such as ourselves
as we are in fact made up of 80% water! This particular lunar influence
can also be called biological tides.
Do excuse me for having begun my explanation with such technical
details (I will soon get back to what all this means for you) but I
believe that it essential that you understand exactly why the Moon has
such a powerful influence upon ourselves and our environment as this
you will be feeling these same influences very strongly after the 4
August 2009 and for a duration of 6 months.
I am going to go over some more examples, just to show you how
extensive the lunar influence actually is. First of all, plants need
the Moon's pretense to maintain their good health and full lifespan. We
now know that plant's metabolism uses photosynthesis which is basically
the transformation of light rays into combustible chemical energy and
these light rays must correspond to a certain wavelength which
fortunately enough the Sun and the Moon's rays provide. Lunar rays can
be considered as a source of powerful energy and these rays work as
catalysts in various natural processes in all living organisms on this
planet. Animals for example feel this energy very strongly and certain
species live according to lunar cycles, for example regulating their
mating or hunting rhythms to the frequency of the lunar cycle. Certain
fish for example only mate during a very particular lunar phase
(gibbous) during the month of October. On land, koala bears only eat
during the waning cycle of the Moon and many many other examples can be
found of routines based firmly on the lunar cycles. I am now going to
move on to explain how these lunar cycles affect us as human beings and
I must ask you to pay special attention to this part as you will be
able to see through my explanation how important the lunar influence
will be for you Leena, most particularly during this period of 6
months. The Moon acts upon us all and on many different levels. First
of all it affects our birth as studies have proved that women's
menstrual cycles follow the Moon's phases and the births of newborn
babies fall in line with this period of fertility. Menstruation is the
preparation of the female body for pregnancy and ovulation is made
possible by the presence of a hormone called LH which is made available
from the 4th day of the cycle and after receiving this hormonal signal
the body transforms itself ready to receive the fertilized egg, the
human embryo. When fertilization does not take p lace menstruation
serves to clean the body of the uterus' mucus. Many scientists have
concentrated on investigating the role of the lunar cycle in
menstruation and have remarked on the number of menstrual cycles which
begin during a full or new Moon. Men's fertility also seems to follow
these same lunar cycles as many more fertilization's take place at the
rise of a new Moon than at any other time of the month. These cycles
are also reflected in the ticking of our internal clocks, our day's
seem to be timed much more in keeping with Lunar rather than Solar
One interesting scientific experiment consisted of placing a person
under observation and in an underground shelter far from light and any
means of measuring time. The scientists noticed that the subject
quickly adopted a rhythm which was based entirely on a Lunar cycle. The
Moon was seen to act directly upon us, it conditions our emotions, our
feelings and our responses and on an astrological level the Moon serves
as a catalyst, concentrating and strengthening the influence of the
many other planets of our personal Zodiac. And this is exactly what
will happen for you Leena and it for this reason that you will find
yourself before a whole range of opportunities in many different areas
of your life such as your sentiments, your romantic tendencies, your
relationships, your finances and your professional life. For a full 6
months the Moon will act as a magnifying glass, focusing the energy of
a number of different planets upon you and to give you more of an idea
about this mag nifying action try to imagine that the Moon will be a
cosmic TV - the Moon will take the transmissions from all of the
planets around us and will form clear images of these transmissions
inside of us just as our home TV set does though its cathode-ray tube.
The astrological role of the Moon is to transmit clear and
comprehensive images of everything which is going on around us and a
portion of this energy which the Moon transmits towards us is absorbed
by our bodies though the receptors that we all have within our souls
and is then transformed into actions and events that we provoke. Many
professionals can see these centers of receptors, which are known as
Chakra points in Hindi philosophy. To be honest with you Leena, this is
how I first discovered that this kind of period was on the way for you
and it was the astrological study which I then worked on which
confirmed my initial feelings and led me to write to you today. That is
as much as I would like to tell you for now ab out the importance of
the Moon, I think you have already understood how and why the Lunar
cycle is important for you, how the Moon plays a daily role in our
lives and exactly what it's influence consists of. I now need to move
on and explain something else.
2) As I mentioned, I started to work on something special for you,
a unique technique which is highly charged in positive energy and it
will send you a great deal of power bearing in mind the period you are
about to be entering. I am lucky enough to own a fragment of the Moon
itself, this is a authentic lunar meteorite which fell into the Dhofar
desert of Oman and was discovered on the 11th of November 2002. The
original meteorite weighed 36g and the piece which I now own weighs
0.024g and I got hold of this fragment from a member of the
International Meteorite Collectors Association and this person was also
a founding member of the Kansas meteorite society. On the page which I
have included with this email you can see a photograph of this
meteorite and of the energizing action which I have been performing for
you. You can also examine the chemical composition of this Moon
fragment and read it's authenticity certificate.
I must insist on the fact that the work I have been undertaking for
you is very unique. I have made an effort to associate you both
energetically and magnetically with this Lunar fragment in order to
intensify this Lunar energy and as this action is extremely powerful I
am going to continue to perform it for you during the whole of this
period of 6 months, if you give me your consent. This energy will be
very beneficial for you Leena and you can see a photo of my work at the
following web page:
3) Here is now what you must do to prepare yourself to be in just
the right place and at the right time to seize all of the very
important chances which are going to be offered to you. You also need
to be vigilant against certain exterior elements which could disturb
you during your period of pure chance and I intend to give you all of
the information you require to make sure that this 6 month period
really will mark a major turning point in your life so far. I remind
you that even though this period will be marked by a range of
opportunities, three principal events will be extremely important and
will allow you to achieve a greater harmony in your personal life. One
event will boost your love life, one will bring you a considerable sum
of money at a time when you least expect it and the final event will
provoke some important developments in your professional life. If you
are able to seize these opportunities and are able to act correctly
during these 3 distinct events you w ill be able to get rid of that one
big problem which has been worrying you for quite a while now. I also
want to tell you that this 6 month period will lead you to an important
encounter and this encounter will bring you some radical changes in
your personal life. This is how the 6 month period looks in a very
general way Leena and before going on any further I want to explain to
you how you can act to seize these opportunities. You must not delude
yourself, your direct involvement is needed to get the most out of this
period, chance will not simply knock on your door and throw itself at
your feet. I can see your involvement on 4 main levels:
a) The first thing which we must work on together is to protect you
from any negative elements which could affect you during both the run
up to this period and throughout the 6 months. These exterior
influences could stop you from benefiting 100% from this period and so
we also need to boost your chance ratings so that you can enjoy these
diverse opportunities. As you already know I have begun certain
important tasks for you, I realized that your capital chance was at an
all time low so I started to send you positive energy to help you
stabilize this chance and I think that this energy has worked well for
you already. Your Chakra points are now open and receptive and you are
ready to receive the strong Lunar energy which will begin in just a
short time. Things are going to get serious Leena as this period will
represent the turning point you have been searching for in your life
and so I am going to have to go even further and work on an energy
emission of a much greater scal e in order to protect you correctly. I
offer to start this energy 'prayer' for you 15 days before the period
begins, from the 23 August 2009. I will work hard for you during these
15 days before your 6 month period begins on the 4 August 2009 until
your capital chance is at a maximum and you are able to protect
yourself from exterior tensions. You will also find yourself much more
receptive to the chances and opportunities of this lunar period.
b) The second thing which you must develop is your personal
capacity. As I think I have already mentioned to you, you have a great
deal of powerful resources within you and these talents are just
waiting to be expressed. Your enormous potential is stifled and has
been for quite a number of years now. I am going to help you release
this potential as you will need all of this power to get the best out
of all the opportunities which will be open to you during this 6 month
period, which will begin in just 78 days time - from the 4 August 2009
until the 4 February 2010. This is why we must act as quickly as
possible to bring out this strength within you so that you may learn to
use it, the importance lies not with which talent you will reveal but
more in how you can learn to apply this new skill to the chances the
Lunar transit will bring you. You need to balance the energy within you
and find a certain interior harmony. You may be thinking that you
already know yourself well en ough but you must believe me when I say
that my work as an astrologer has revealed a whole host of valuable
information about you, important information which you could not have
previously suspected. My role will be to show you this hidden
potential, to help you bring it out to light and to teach you how to
use your skills. I will produce a full personal reading for you will
show you how can exploit all of your potential and how you can achieve
your goals and make yourself more serene, powerful, determined and
assertive. You will also be able to discover how other people around
you perceive you to be.
c) You must be ready for the 4 August 2009, in the same way that an
athlete prepares for a marathon. The date is coming up Leena and you
need these few weeks of preparation to be at your peak. We cannot lose
a single minute. I want to produce a full day-by-day guide for you for
the whole of the period leading up to the Lunar Transit so that you
know exactly how to act and when to act to prepare yourself correctly
for this crucial period of chance. I will guide you day-by-day and I
will give you all of the astrological forecasts you will need to act
decisively on everyday leading up to this all-important date. This will
also give you an important rhythm and will train you to follow daily
forecasts. You will discover in this reading all of the information
concerning the few precise choices you must make during this prelude to
the Transit, there a number of things you MUST do before this
astrological event.
d) Finally you must be aware of exactly what is in store for you
and what exactly these opportunities are that lie ahead for you. You
need to know quite simply when and where you will come across these
opportunities. Knowing when to act decisively the key, armed with this
knowledge you will have no difficulties seizing these chances. You will
also need to know how you may avoid certain traps and pitfalls and the
energizing work I have been performing for you will help you in this
regard as I will do my best to protect you from exterior elements which
may aim to disrupt your path in this new life the Transit proposes. You
need to start studying a full report concerning this time as soon as
possible. The Lunar Transit will be powerful, unusually intense and it
will offer you a rare opportunity to make certain decisions on many
different levels of your personal and professional life which will
change your life dramatically for the future. I intend to give you all
of the informat ion and support that you need.
This is going to be such an important Transit for you that you
cannot permit yourself to miss out on this golden chance and you cannot
simply sit by passively and let events pass you by. You must act! Up to
today I have always left you free choice, you were able to choose
whether or not to make the most of my professional advice but today
Leena I must push you a little further. I think it would be such a
shame for you to miss out on such a prime opportunity to change your
life for the better. As you may have seen my preparation for your full
reading, with the additional energizing work I have already been
performing for you, takes a great deal of time and effort but I am
ready to invest myself for you as I do feel a great affinity with you
and I know just how important this Transit will be for you.
However I have to be sure of one thing Leena, I need to know
whether or not you are really committed to changing your life and that
you are ready to work towards seizing and using all of this period's
valuable opportunities to your total advantage. I also need to know
that you will use the information I provide you with, a lot of people
ask me for help and despite this it would be a great pleasure for me to
dedicate my time and concentration to you and to give you a full
personal reading. If you use this information and you make the changes
which I think you know you need to make in your life right now then my
work will be complete and my effort entirely justified. Before
beginning this work in this case I need you to give me your consent on
the following web page:
I will be eagerly waiting for your response, please do not hesitate because the countdown to the Lunar Transit has begun.
Your friend and astrologer,
If, however you no longer wish to receive any messages from me, please let me know at :
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